Comments For Entry #126

No Gun Laws, please - we're British!(Comments RSS)

I have some fairly conservative views, which do not jive with the liberal mainstream vibe. I am unapologetic about that. I also find some of the - apparently - wacky conspiracy theories quite intriguing. For example - Did the USA really send men to the moon? Were there suspicious government aspects to the 9/11 terrorist attack? Is there a cabal of private industry concerns planning to take over the world? I don't know, but some of the questions asked and evidence cited by some of the conspiracy theorists demand a little investigation. Unfortunately I have a living to make so someone else has to do that job for now.

Bottom line: I'm open to debate and inquiry. However, there are some people whom you just don't want on your side. Or even in your company. Or ear shot. Take Alex Jones, for example. (I mean it: Please - Take him away.)

Here is Alex Jones making a complete arse of himself and, in the process, flushing any credibility his arguments might have right down the toilet.

On the other hand, here we have a clear-headed American and ex-marine making some of the same points in a much more reasoned way. I know who I'd rather have come to tea.

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