Comments For Entry #316

Steven Wilson - "Perfect Life"(Comments RSS)

A friend put me onto Steven Wilson some time ago, and I have gradually dipped my toes into his music. His work is heady stuff - an emotionally immersive experience; I do not know if I can handle too much of it in one sitting, it's that rich. His songs can be like morality plays mixed with tragedy.

But for the past twenty-four hours or so I have been haunted by this piece - "Perfect Life". So touchingly sad and painful, yet beautiful.

Allow yourself to become lost in this.

Album version (almost):-

Extended mix:-

Live performance:-

29/3/2016 5:20 PM

his sounds like a tragedy that is happening EVERY DAY across America... in the extended version, more information is given in another verse...
To me, it seems like the older 'sister' was a newly arrived foster teen, removed from a terribly abusive situation ('pale and shell-shocked'...) and placed with a brand new-to-fostering family. It was a wonderful placement for her new 'sister' and her... 'the perfect life'...
But, when the parents separated later that year, the older teen was removed by social services and sent to a different placement far away... and out of contact...
This really happens, ALL THE TIME (foster kids are moved an average of 5-8 times during their time in foster care ) and sometimes contact is forbidden with no reason given... It's a little-known American tragedy -- except by the people who live through it...


28/3/2018 5:22 AM

This intcdoures a pleasingly rational point of view.

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